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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 4/30/1945
John H. Bollier, 77, a prom-
nent resident of North Tonawanda
for 55 years, died yesterday
morning at his home, 34 Felton
street. Mr. Bollier had been in
failing health for the past year
but it was only during the last
month that his condition became
Born in the LaSalle section of
Niagara Falls, Mr. Bollier attained
prominence by b e i ng
named highway commissioner of
the Falls to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of his father
John Jacob Bollier, a leading
citizen of that city for many
years. The office was an elective
one and Mr. Bollier was elected
to the position at the election following
his appointment.
At the expiration of his term
as highway commissioner, Mr
Bollier took up his residence, 55
years ago, in the house where He
died yesterday. He operated a
shoe store in the Gratwick section
of North Tonawanda for
many years. From the time he
located in that section of North
Tonawanda, Mr. Bollier took an
active interest in civie affairs
and was a leader in securing un-
Continued from page 1
provements for that part of the
A leader in the Democratic
ranks, he served as chairman of
the party's city committee for a
number of years. He also served
ten years as supervisor from the
old Third Ward. When Charles F.
Foley was elected sheriff of
Niagara county on the Democra-
tic ticket, Mr. Bollier was ap-
pointed undersheriff. Mr. Foley
resigned the office of sheriff and
Mr. Bollier was elevated to the
position made vacant by the
former's resignation.
Mr. Bollier then served as
undresheriff during the term of
Dennis Daley, who was next
elected to the office of sheriff.
In co-operation with the late
Charles Stoll and the late Ed-
ward Mye, Mr. Bollier organized
the Third Presbyterian church on
Felton street. His wife also became
a charter member of the
church. For 37 years he was a
trustee of the church.
Mr. Bollier was also a charter
member of the Gratwick Hose
company. He was one of the
active promoters of the firemen's
He is survived by his wife,
Anna M.; two sons, Harold E.
Bollier, North Tonawanda postmaster;
Chester A. Bollier, supervisor
of physical education in
the Kenmore high school; a
daughter, Mrs. Alvin Jedele of
North Tonawanda; four sisters,
Mrs. Rosa E. Parkes of North
Tonawanda, Mrs. L o u i s a B.
Reister and Mrs. August Kropf of
Tonawanda and Mrs. Clara Ward
of Buffalo, and six grandchildren,
Funeral services will be held
Wednesday at 2 p. m. from the'
residence and at 2:30 p. m. from
the Third Presbyterian church.
The Rev. William H. Saye will
conduct the rites and interment
will be in the city cemetery on
Main street, Tonawanda.