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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/16/1964
Harold E. Bollier, 68, North Tonawanda's post-
master for 29 years, died today at his home, 150 E. Fel-
ton St., North Tonawanda.
Mr. Bollier suffered a heart at-
tack in March and was con-
vaalescing at home.
A lifelong resident of North
Tonawanda, Mr. Bollier was ap-
pointed postmaster on March 13,,
1935, by President Franklin D.
He was treasurer of the Niag-
ara-Orleans Chapter of the Na-
tional Association of Postmasters
in 1952. He also was a director
of the Niagara Savings and Loan
Association and was an appraiser
for the firm.
Before his appointment as post-
master, Mr.. Bollier was a mem-
ber of the North Tonawanda
Board of Education when the
origina high school on Payne
Avenue was constructed. He also
was a member of the North Ton-
awanda Library Board, but re-
signed when he became postmas-
A graduate of North Tonawan-
da High School, he also attended
the University of Buffalo. He la-
ter joined his father's real estate
firm,, the former J. H. Bollier
Realtors Inc., in North Tonawan-
An active member of the Third
Presbyterian Church, he was cit-
ed in 1943 for 25 years service
as a Sunday School superintend-
ent. He also was a Sunday
School teacher, elder and choir
Besides his wife, Ethel, he is
survived by two sons, Roger
W., president of Niagara Cutter
Co., and the Rev. John A. Bol-
lier of Chatsworth, Calif.; a
brother, Chester A.,, director of
physica education and recreation
in Union Free School District,,
Kenmore - Town of Tonawanda,
and a sister, Mrs. Alvin Jedele
of North Tonawanda.
Services will be at 1:30 p.m.
Friday at the Third Presbyterian
Church. The Rev. Kenneth E.
Miller will officiate.