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- Niagara Gazette - 6/15/1953
Mrs. Mary Bonaccorso, 76, of
515 Twenty-second street, died in
Memorial hospital yesterday. Born
in Italy, Mrs Bonaccorso lived in
Niagara Falls for 50 years.
Funeeral services will be held at
9 am. Wedneday at the Spallino
Funeral home, to be followed by a
Mass at 9:30 at St. Joseph's church
and interment in St. Joseph's ceme-
Mrs. Bonaccorso was the mother
of Mrs. Lena Bonaccorso, Mrs.
Gasper Aceti, Mrs. Frank Quig-
liano, Mr. Santo Zanghi,, Mr. An-
thony Giancula, Michael Bonac-
corso, all of this city, and Domi-
nick Scarsoni, Buffalo. She also is
survived by 16 grandchildren and
ten great grandchildren.