Family |
ROACH, Marguerita, b. Abt 1900, New York d. Yes, date unknown |
Marriage |
14 Sep 1920 |
Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY |
Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 9/15/1920
The marriage of Miss Marguerlta
Roach ot La Salle avenue and Carl H.
Bonacker of Sixth street took place
yesterday morning at seven o'clock in
ihe rectory of the Sacred Heart
Church. Miss Arleen Roach; sister of
the laide, acted as bridesmaid and
John H. Kennedy attended the groom.
At 7:30 o'clock In the church occurred
tlie marriage of Miss Mary M.
Siener of Niagara avenue and Dr.
David Roach, brother of Miss Roach.
Miss Hilda Siener, sister of the bride,
and Dr. J. W. O'Shaunecy of Buffalo
were tho attendants. .The Rev. Father
J. Roche performed both ceremonies,
A wedding breakfast for both brld-
al couples wag served at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Roach, No. 1917 La Salle
avenue, covers being laid for 25.
The young touples left immediately
on a motor trip to Boston and New
York, after which they will reside at
No. 1501 Sugar street.
Children |
| 1. BONACKER, Marylin Ann, b. Abt 1924, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY d. 14 Oct 1932, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY (Age 8 years) |
Family ID |
F56407 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
14 Mar 2025 |