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- Troy NY Daily Times - 4/22/1899
-Sincere grief exists throughout the
village, occasioned by the death of Mrs.
Justina B. Madden, which occurred at
the home on Second, avenue yesterday
afternoon at about 4 o'clock. Mrs. Madden
had been a quiet sufferer for some
months, but only recently had been compelled
to abandon her business and social
affairs, ber ailment having made
rapid progress within the past two
months Her many friends and admirers
feel her death as that of one in their
own families, she had so endeared herself
to them, and the loss will be felt not
enly by her three young daughters, but
by numberless people who bad come to
know her In church, in society, in business
and in the philanthropic work to
which she had been devoted. Upon the
death of her husband. George C. Madden,
the firm of J. B. Madden A Co. was
formed by Mrs. Madden with William B.
Madden, her husband's brother, snd has
conducted a successful business since
then, Mrs. Madden taking an active interest
Sbe was slao prominent in the
work of the First Presbyterian Church,
of which she was a member, and of the
Citizens' Benevolent Association. The
funeral services will be held at the residence
on Second avenue Monday after-
noon at 2:30 o'clock and will be conducted
by Rev. Charles E Walker, pastor of
the First Presbyterian Church. At the
prayer meeting of the First Presbyterian
Church last evening, the pastor, Rev.
Charles H. Walker, spoke feelingly of the
passing away of Mrs. Madden and every
member of the congregation was affected
by the sad news, which many heard then
for the first. The tiding brought deep
sorrow to all who had been acquainted
with Mrs. Madden,, and particularly to
those who had been able to best appre-
ciate her rare qualities of mind and
heart her rare beauty of character and
sincerity in all the noble purposes in
life, She was of rare talent and ability
and won the admiration of all her as-
sociates for her energy and welll directed
efforts. Mrs. Madden's Christian char-
acter shone brightly, and in the life of
the church she was always an interested
and faithful factor. She served for some
time as the treasurer of the Woman's
Benevolent and Home issionary So-
eiety and sent her annual report to the
society's recent meeting, showing to the
last her interest and remarkable forti-
tude despite her critical condition.