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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/20/1956
BOYACK - Mrs. Anna M. Bov-
ack (nee Hugger) of 56 Brough-
ton St., Tonawanda, Monday (Aug.
20 1956) in DeGraff Memorial Hos-
pital after a brief illness.She was
a lifelong resident of Tonawanda.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Henry
A. Whitefield of Tonawanda, and
several nieces and nephews. She
was a member of St. Francis
Church,, the Altar Society, of
which she was treasurer,, and the
VFW Auxiliary. Friends may call
at John O. Roth Funeral Home,
30 Morgan St. where services will
be at 9:30 a.m.. Thursday and 10
at St. Francis Church, the Rev..
Fancis Barratto officiating. Bur-
ial will be in Mt. Olivet Ceme-