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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/26/1932
David A. Boyer, 40 years old,
a life-long resident of North Tonawanda,
died last night at his
home, 33 Pine Woods drive, after
an illness of six months' duration.
Boyer was well known. For
14 years he conducted a barber
shop on Schenk street. He was
a member of North Tonawanda
Lodge, No. 860, B.P.O.E.; Electric
City Loge, No. 663, I.O.O.F.; En
terprisce Encampment No. 88,1.O.
OF.; the North Tonawanda Firemen's
Benevolent association and
the Sweeney Hose company.
Surviving are a wife, Lillie; a
son, Jack David; a mother, Mrs.
Mary Boyer; a brother, Edward
Boyer, and a sister, Mrs. Howard
Allbert, all of North Tonawanda.
The funeral will be held Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
residence and half an hour later
at the St. Peter's cnurch. Rev.
Ernst Schneppe will conduct the
services and interment will be in