Notes |
- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 5/7/1903
A very pretty wedding occurred
Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock at
the home of William Edick of Olcott.
The bride was Miss Winnie Belle
Edick, his daughter, who was married
to Louis A. Brandt. The bridesmaid,
Miss J. Maud Diamond, assisted by
J. B. Pease of Buffalo as best man,
looked after the etiquette of the occasion.
Miss Rena A. Kerley presided at
the piano and Rev. George H. Allatt of
Royalton, N. Y., Was the officiating
minister. Among the- guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Augustus Brandt and Miss
Emma Brandt, all of Coomer Road, and
respectively the father, mother and
sister of the groom; Dr. and Mrs. Pickett,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lockwood,
Mrs. Ruby Clark and her son and
daughter, all of*Olcott, and Miss Ida
Gloger of Charlotteville.
Many beautiful presents were in
evidence of the well wishes of friends
of the happy c\uple. Tea was served
immediately after the ceremony.