Notes |
- Lyons NY Republican - 8/25/1955
The Barge Canal took another
life Saturday when Dale Pichird
Conrad. 5 years old. son of Robert
Conrad and Edna Mae Brandt
Conrad fell from an inner tube
on which he hid been floating
and was drowned.
His body was recovered hy
State trooper*, with the aid of
the Lyons Fire Department. In
fact, the firemen performed so
valiantly in drawing for the body
and the vilVigers at hand were
so anxious to help them that
Corporal W.. J. Lally, command-
;ng officer of the Newark State
Police Station, called The Lyons
Republican A Clyde Times to
praise the firemen for their work.
Funeral services for the victim
were conducted at 2:30 p. m.
Tuesday at the Weeks Funeral
Home, with the Rev. J. Russell
Fink. D. D. officiating. Burial
was in South Cemetery.
Survivors besides the parents
are two brothers. Robert Eugene
and Darrow; two sisters. Donna
and Marlene.