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- Niagara Gazette - 10/3/1971
DOLAN - In Mt. St. Mary's Hospltal.
Sept. 30, 1971. Francis J. Dolan of 2933
MacKlem Avenue. Husband of Winifred
Brass Dolan, father of Mrs. William R.
(Anne) Moody. Lewiston; Mrs. Charles
R. (Carol) Turner Jr.. Snyder; Rev.
Frank C. Dolan S.J., Davao, Philippine
Islands; Dr. Robert J. Dolan of
Rochester, N.Y. Brother of James M
Dolan; Thomas L. Dolan; Mrs. Joseph
(Mary) Sheeley. all ol this city. Also
survived by 16 grandchildren. Brother of
the late Mrs. John V. (Margaret) Hogan
and John W. Dotan. Funeral services
will be held from the Rhoney Funeral
Home. Inc., 1124 Ontario Avenue,
Monday at 9:30 a.m. and in St. Teresa Of
the Intent Jesus Church at 10 a.m. Inlerment
in Gate ol Heaven Cemetery.
The family will be present 2-5 and 7-9
p.m. Saturday and Sundav. Members of
the Holy Name Society ol St. Teresa's
Church will meet to recite the Rosary
Sunday evening at 8 p.m.