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- Buffalo NY Courier Express - 3/24/1963
M c N A M A R A - T l m o t h y G , of 42 East
A v e . , Tonawanda, N.Y., M a r c h 21. 1963,
husband of Elizabeth Baustart McNam
a r a ; father of Timothy Jr.. John E.,
Eugene T. M c N a m a r a , M r s . Winifred
Walsh, Mrs. Louis Oldenburg, Mrs.
D a v i d Nelson, M r s . John Sinclair, M r s .
John Renda, M r s . W i l l i am Burton, all
of tha Tonawandas, and Mrs. Otto
Brauer of Denver, Colo.; also survived
by 33 grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren.
Friends may call at
t h e Hamp Funeral Homa Inc., Adam-
Seymour Sts., Tonawanda, where prayers
will be said Monday morning at
9 o'clock, followed by Requiem High
Mass In St. Francis of Assist Church
at 9:30. Burial in Mt. Olivet Cemetery