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- Niagara Gazette - 1/20/1906
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine
Braun of 1864 Willow avenue was the
scene-of a very pretty home wedding
Thursday evening, when their daughter.
Frances Eleanor, was united in marriage
to Mr. Edwin James Newson by
the Rev. ."Herman Brezing. pastor of
the Zion Lutheran church.
The bride was attended by Miss
Anna Speller, and the groom was a s sisted
by Mr. Alvin Braun.; a brother
of the bride.
While Miss Hat-tie Gaiser was playing
the Lohengrin wedding march, the
bride entered the drawing room on the
arm of her father, through a lane
formed by. t he guests, the little flower
girls, Florence Braun and Eva Berry,
strewing flowers in the pathway of the
bridal party.
The bride was becomingly attired in
a gown of white crepe de chine, trimmed
with baby Irish point over lace,
land rosettes of w h i t e ' s a t i n ribbon and
carried white roses. Her veil was fash
ioned with a diamond pendent. The
bridesmaid's gown was of Swiss muff.
She carried pink roses.
The drawing room was beautifully
decorated with palms, and in one cor-
n e r was' an arch of smllax, under
which the ceremony was performed.
After the ceremony the 250 guests
sat down to an elaborate wedding supper,
which was served on the third
floor'of-the house. The dining room
was handsomely'.'decorated with bunting
tastefully festooned from the ceiling.
The table at which the bridal
party sat was draped with ribbons and
decked with flowers. Mr. George L.
Gaiser was toastmaster.
Among the out of town guests were
Mrs. Charles Perkins of Roch.-ster, Mr.
F r a n k Vernon and Mrs. John Haines
of Toronto Junction, Mrs. Isabella
Sloan and two daughters. Geneve and
Eva. of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Dodds. Tonawanda. Mrs. Wm. Tompkins,
Mrs. George Kimmers, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell. Niag-
ara Falls, Out. .Mr. Clayton Braun
brother of the bride, and.George Campbell,
acted as ushers.
Mr. and Mrs. Newson will make their
future home on Willow avenue, this
city, and will be at home to their many
friends after Jan. 25. 1906.
There were numerous costly presents
of silver, cut glass and furniture.