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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 1/31/1922
Frank A. Bredlau, 27 years old,
of 290 Niagara street, died this morning
at the DeGraff Memorial hospital
after a brief illness. He was operated
on for appendicitis a few days before
his death. He was a uieinbei
of St. Mauhew's church and the Men's
club of the same institution. Surviving
a r e a wife: parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bredlau. one brother, Reuben
Bredlau, and two sisters. Miss Fish
Bredlau and Mrs. J. E. Struebing, all
of the Tonawandas.
The funeral will be held Thursday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the
l a t e residence and at 2 o'clock from
Si. Matthew's church. Rev. Carl Frank
enstein officiating. Burial will be in
Cold Spring cemetery. Lockport