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- Niagara Gazette - 3/7/1929
John H. Brenseke. 69 years old,
366 Spuce avenue, an employe of the
International Paper company for the
past 18 years, died In Mount St. Mary's
hospital last evening following a short
Illness; He was admitted to the Institution
on February 26 The funeral
will be held from Cobler's Funeral
Home. 635 Main street. at a time to be
decided later.
Mr. Brenseke is survived by one son,
William J. of this city, and two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Susan Struber of Chicago,,
and Mrs. Grace Small,, of Arvida, Que.
One brother, Adam, of Seattle, Wash.,
and one sister, Mrs. Louise Anderson,
of Buffalo, also survive.