Family |
BRICK, Mervin C, b. 28 Jan 1912, New York d. 2 Apr 1988, Lockport, Niagara County, NY (Age 76 years) |
Marriage |
1 Jun 1970 |
Sanborn, Town of Cambria, Niagara County, NY |
Notes |
- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 6/5/1970
A lovely church wedding was held
Saturday at the Sanborn Baptist
church, when Miss Jessie Unger,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Wilbur Unger of the Baer road, and
Mervin Brick of Cambria Center
were united in marriage at 4 o'clock
by the Rev. Frank N. Taft.
The bridal party entered the
church to the strains of the Wedding
March from Lohengrin, played
by Mrs. Wallace Bush, cousin of the
The church was artistically decorated
with roses, tulips, lilacs and
iris. The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, wore a
white tulle dress, trimmed with
daisies and made with short, puffed
sleeves. Her veil was three-quarter
length net trimmed with lace. She
carried an arm bouquet of white
roses and gypsophila.
Sisters of the bride were matrons
of honor. Mrs. Allen Miller wore
pink net and carried talisman roses.
Mrs. Frank Oribben wode blue embroidered
organdy and carried pink
roses. Suzanne Brick, sister of the
groom, was flower girl and wore
pink organdy.
Arthur Brick, brother of the
groom, was best man and ushers
were Glenn Brick and Frank Gribben.
Arthur Gray sang, "Because," "O
Promise Me." and "I Love You
Mrs. Wilbur Unger, mother of the
bride wore blue and white sheer
with white accessories and a corsage
of pink and white roses. Mrs.
Evelyn Brick, mother of the groom
wore flowered chiffon with blue
accessories and a corsage of pink
and white roses.
After the ceremony, a reception
and dinner for the immediate
families was held at the Plantation
at Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Brick left for a
trip to New York and will visit the
World's fair. Upon their return they
will make their home in Cambria
Pre-nuptial entertainments Included
a shower given by the Guild
Girls at the home of Mrs. John Mcculloch,
when the bride received a
lace table cloth; a variety shower
given Mrs. Allen Miller and Mis.
Frank Gribben at the home of the
A red and white kitchen shower
given by the Sunday school teachers
at the home of Mrs. Albert Schoelles,
a luncheon given by the choir,
when the bride received an electric
coffee maker; and a variety shower
given by Mrs. Harold Bicken and
Bars. Evelyn Brick at the home of
the latter.
Children |
| 1. BRICK, Alice Marie |
| 2. BRICK, Douglas Arthur, b. 6 Jan 1942, Lockport, Niagara County, NY d. 7 Apr 2024, Lockport, Niagara County, NY (Age 82 years) |
| 3. BRICK, Beverly Ann |
Family ID |
F62271 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
14 Mar 2025 |