Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 11/17/1976
WATSON - Eunice
Watson, 75, of North
Tonawanda, Tuesday
(November 16, 1976).
Mrs. Watson was a'\
lifelong resident of North
T o n a w a n d a and a
m e m b e r of P a y ne
A v e n u e C h r i s t i an
C h u r c h , C h r i s t i an
Woman's Fellowship of
the Church, and a 50 year
member of Augustus H.
Crown Chapter No. 619
Wife of the late William
Wallace Watson, she is
survived by one* *sotr,~'
Kenneth (Carol) Watson
of Ellington, Conn.; one
daughter, Mrs. Daniel
(Virginia) Evans of
North Tonawanda; one
brother, Albert Brock of
Tonawanda; one sister,
Mrs. Robert (Margaret)
Luke of Riverside, Calif;
grandmother of eight
grandchildren. #
No prior visitation.
Memorial services will be
held at the convenience of
the family. Memorials
may be made to the
Payne Avenue Christian
Church Memorial Fund
or Sutherland Lodge No.
826 F. & A. M. Building
Fund. Arrangements by
Wattengel Funeral Home