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- Niagara Gazette - 3/18/1963
Mrs. Antonina Broda, moth
er of John S. Broda. proprie
tor of John's Club, 1928 Niag
are St., where she lived with
her husband, John Broda, died
Saturday (March 16, 1963) at
Mount St. Mary's Hospital
after a long illness.
Born in Poland, Mrs. Broda
had lived in this city for 20
years. She was a member of
the Holy RRosary Society at
Holy Trinity Church.
Besisdes her husband and
son, Mrs. Broda is survived
by two grandchildren.
Funeral services will be
held Wednesday at 915 a.m.
at the Chester Tubinis Funer-
al Home and at 10 a.m. from
the Holy Trinity Church. Bur-
ial will be in Holy Trinity