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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/5/1953
WAGKERMAN - Mrs. Elizabeth
Wackerman, 72, of 238 Delaware
St, Tonawanda, died Friday
evening, Sept 4 in the DeGraff
Memorial Hospital after a brief
illness. Born in Swormsvllle, she
had resided in Tonawanda for the
past 52 years. She was a member
of St Francis Church and the
Alter & Rotary Society of the
church. She was also a member
of the Ladies' Catholic Benevolent
Association. She is survived
by her husband, Martin; a sister,
Mrs. John Kohl, Getzvflle, and
two brothers, Nicholas Bronschidle,
Tonawanda, and Joseph
Bronschidle, Buffalo. Friends may
call at, the Hamp Funeral Home,
87 Adam St, Tonawanda where
services will be Tuesday morning
at 8:30 o'clock and at 9 in St.
Francis Church. The Rt. Rev.
Msgr. John A. Weismantel will
officiate. Burial will be in Mt.
Olivet Cemetery.