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- Niagara Gazette - 10/4/1932
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Scholefield.
of 1354 Willow avenue announce trie
engagement of their daughter, Muriel,
to Raymond Sparling, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Sparling, of 2214 Cleveland
avenue, the wedding to take place
In the near future.
Niagara Gazette - 10/27/1932
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the Epiphany, church,
Lockport and Main streets, at 4
o'clock Saturday afternoon, when
Miss Muriel L Scholefield, only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Scholefield, of Willow avenue, became
the bride of Raymond Sparling,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas,
Sparling, of Cleveland avenue.
The bride wasr attired in a becoming
brown crepe dress, with hat, slippers
and hose to match. She wore a
corsage of pink tea roses. The bride's
only attendant, Miss Elizabeth Sparling,
sister of the groom, wore a
black and white crepe dress with
accessories to match. The groom
was attended by Fred Scholefield,
brother of the bride.
A-reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents following the
ceremony, about 35. guests being present.
Twelve guests were seated at
t>he bride's table, decorations being in
green and white, and centered with
a beautiful wedding cake, which was
a gift from Mrs. Edward Bond.
Pre-nuptial affairs were a variety
shower given by Mrs. Thomas Sparling,
of this city; a green and cream
kitchen shower by Miss Esther Sievert,
of Ransomville, arid a shower by
Mrs. David Taylor, of this city, where
the guests presented her with an orchid
boudoir chair.
Mr. and Mrs, Sparling left for a
motor trip to Philadelphia, Pa., and
other points enroute, and upon their
return will make their home in this