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- Buffalo NY Courier Express - 7/18/1939
Jacob B. Brunner, 37 years old,
of 208 Hagen Street, collapsed and
died yesterday while driving an auto
in Main Street, Willlamsville. Mrs.
Elsie Brunner of 65 Harriett Street,
a cousin of the driver and a passenger
in the vehicle, turned off the
Mrs. Brunner then took the wheel
and drove the car to her home. Here
she was joined by her son and a
companion, and the stricken man
was taken to his own residence. A
physician was called and Mr. Brunner
was pronounced dead. Medical
Examiner Rocco N. De Dominlcis
said death was due to natural causes.
Buffalo NY Courier Express - 7/19/1939
BRUNNER-Jacob B. Brunner. suddenly.
July 17. 1939. son of Marie C, nee
Bergman and the late Jacob Brunner:
brother of Mrs. Arthur Koloack. Mrs.
Howard Rodems. Clarence. Joseph and
the late Sidney Brunner. Funeral from
the family residence. 208 Hagen Street,
Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 Friends
Invited to attend. Deceased was a
member of Brotherhood of Railway and
Steamship Clerks.