Family |
BRUNO, Emma C, b. 19 Jun 1923, PA d. 21 Aug 1981, El Cajon, San Diego County, CA (Age 58 years) |
Marriage |
10 Jan 1942 |
Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY |
Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 1/15/1942
Beautiful in i t s simplicity was the
marriage of Mks Emma Bruno,
daughter of Mrs. CarmeUa Bruno,
of Ashland avenue, and Mr. Dominic
A. Buffamonte, son of Mrs.
Rose Buffamonte. of Nineteenth
street. The ceremony was solemnized
Saturday morning at 9:15
o'clock at the 8t. Joseph's church,
with the Rev. Celestme Damlano
The bride, who was given in marriage
by her brother. Mr. Frank
Bruno, was lovely in a , gown of
white bridal satin and lace with a
graceful train. The fitted bodice
was fashioned with a sweetheart
neckline and long puffed sleeves,
ending in a dainty point at the
wrlit Her circular veil was fingertip
length and was held in place
b7 a band of orange blossoms. She
carried a bouquet of white roses
with streamers of* lilies-of-the-valley.
Miss Irene Bruno, sister of the
bride and her only attendant, was
becomingly gowned in a floor
length gown of blue. She carried
a bouquet of yellow roses.
Corporal Vincent J.. Buffamonte,
of the United States Marines, was
his brother's best man.
After the ceremony, a wedding
breakfast was held at the home of
the bride's' mother for the immedi-
ate families. The mother of the
bride choose a blackk afternoon
dress and wore a corsage of roses.
The bridegroom's mother wore an
afternoon dress of navy blue crepe.
Her corsage was also of roses.
After a brief wedding trip Mr..
and Mrs. Buffamonte are now re-
siding at 628 Nineteenth street. The
bride choose for traveling an aqua-
marine crepe dress with brown
accessories. Her corsage was of
Children |
Family ID |
F65431 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
14 Mar 2025 |