Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 1/15/1965
Services for Benjamin Tirabassi,
55, of 9470 Pine Ave.,
owner of the Bell-Aire "Motel,
will be held at
8:45 a.m. Monday
at the M.
J. Colucci Funeral
Cha p e l
a n d at 9:30
a,m. at Prince
o f P e a ce
Mr. Tirabassi
died Thursday
(Jan. 14,
1965). He wa
dead on admis-
sion to Memor-
ial Hospital. Death was at-
tributed to a heart attack.
He was born in New York
City, the son of Mr. a id Mrs.
Salvatore Tirabassi, and had
lived in Niagara Falls for 46
years. He was a member of
the Bishop Duffy Men's Club,
the Niagara Falls Area Cham-
ber of Commerce, the YMCA,
the United Mote Business
Association and the Hoy
Name Society of Prince of
Peace Church.
He graduated from Niagara
Fallsl High School and, during
the earlly '30s, played guard
with the Niagara Falls Rang-
ers and the Stone Gordons
football teams and also play-
ed semi-professional baseball
with the Elperts team as a
second baseman.
Mr. Tirabassi opened the
Bell-Aire Motel in 1949. Prior
to that year he had been em-
ployed for 18 years as a chem-
ical operaor at the Oldbury
Electro-Chemical Co.
He is susrvived y his wid-
ow, Rose Tirabassi; one son,
Benjamin Tirabassi Jr.,, and
one daughter, Miss Sally Tira-
bassi, all of Niagara Falls; two
brothers, Santo and Alfred
Tirabassi and three sisteers,,
Mrs. Laurino (Filomina)
D'Amico,, Miss Stella Tirabas-
si, and Miss Antoinette Tira-
bassi,, all of Niagara Falls.
Friends may call at the
funeral home from 5 p.m. to
10 p..m. today and 1 to 10 p..m.
Saturday and Sunday.