Notes |
- Bath NY Farmers Advocate - 3/6/1936
The Rev. Mable Johnson officiated
Wednesday at the funeral of
Mrs. Hibbard Brush, which was
held at the home of her brother,
Lewis Ketch of Bath
Bath NY Steuben Courier - 3/6/1936
Kanona, Mar. 3- Death, which
has, visited this village - s o frequently
of l a t e , has a g a i n c o m e and
summoned Mrs. Maude Ketch
-Brush, wife of Hibbard Brush.
Mrs, Brush had b e e n i n ill h e a l th
for some time. However, s h e w a s
thought t o b e improving when s he
suddenly suffered a,relapse a n d was
returned to t h e Bath Memorial Hospital,
where s h e p a s s e d away late
Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Brush w a s
45 years of a g e . She w a s a woman
of s y m p a t h e t i c kind and gers
erous nature and while not affli-
ated with any church.she had often
expressed her f a i t h i n t h e , Chris-
tion religion. Surviving are her
h u b a n d , Hibbard Brush, of Ka-
nona, her father, Hiram Ketch, and
one brother, Lewis Ketch, b o t h of
Bath. The funeral service, which
was held at t h e home of the brother
Wednesday afternoon, w a s con-
ducted by the Rev. Mable Johnson,
pastor of the Kanona M. E.
Church and the buril was in
Nondaga Cemetery.