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- Niagara Gazette - 6/23/1924
SPARLING_-Died aiddenly- J u n e 22nd.
1934 Howard B. Sparling, age 19 years.
»on of Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas B. Sparling.
w,ther of Ellrabeth, La Verne, Kenneth.
jEvmontt and Elwood. all of this city.
Vune'ral services from the family residerce
"214 Cleveland avenue. Wednesday
afternoon at four o'clock and from
the Epiphany church at 4 :30 o'clock. Rev.
David H.--Weeks officiating. Burial Oakwood
Howard B. S p a r l i n g , 19. of Xo. 2'2M
Cleveland avenue was drowned froiii
canoe 15 feef. from shore, in Eighteen
Mile Creek, near Olcott Beach yesterday.
The body was-recovered in \S
foot of water. James Wishart. IS,
of \ 6 . 2409 Cleveland avenue was
r i d i n g , in the canoe with Sparting
when it capsized. Neither of t h e boys
could swim. but. W i s h a r t clung to t h e j
side, of t h e b o a t . At t h e time of t l ;^
accident Laverne Sparling, IT year
Old brother of tiie victim and Leo
Borks, 20 y e a r s old of No. 1^30 I
Cleveland avenue were on shore.
Borks saw t h e boat capsizing an>l
told L a v e r n e ' S p a r l i n g , who a l t h o u gh
lie couldn't swim, 'jumped into t h e
water and made a desperate effort to
save his brother. His efforts were in
vain and he narrowly escaped losing
his life.
Charles Abond, of Third street, this
city, when hearing about the acci-
dent shortly after it happened rowed
three-fourths of a mile from the lake
recovered the body of the drowned boy
about a half hour later. Several per-
sons worked over the body for half
an hour until Coroner Fred r. Pickett
arrived and pronunced the lad dead.
Sparling is survived by his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sparl-
ing; one sister, Elizabeth, and four
brothers, Laverne, Kenneth, Raymond
and Ellwood, all of this city. The
funerl will be held Wednesday after-
noon at 4 o'clock from Spiph-
any Church. The Rev. David Weeks
will officiate, burial will be in Oak-
wood cemetery. Sparling was em-
ployed by the New York Central rail-
road as a clerk in the engine house
at the north end of the city for about
two yers and was a member of the
Brotherhood of Railway Clerks.