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- Niagara Gazette - 11/10/1909
Earl E. Russ, 25 years old. who lived
on Ontario avenue near Thirteenth
Street, and who was one of the delegates
to the American Federation of
Labor Convention which is being held
in Toronto, was found dead in his
room. No. 22 Shuter street, Toronto
about seven o'clock last night. the
gas was partly turned on and the man
had died of asphyxiation. Letters and
cards for his wife and children were
found on a table in the toom.
Russ was a delegate from the local
branch of the Typographical Union and had arrived in Toronto Monday. He entered his boarding house thre aboout 11 o'clock that night and according to
a letter he wrote to his wife he appar-
ently retired about midnight. He must
have turned tho gas on after he had
shut it off.
The people in the house did not see
him around yesterday forenoon and
tried the door, but found it locked and
did not bother a n y more about It, thinking
he had overslept. Last night, however,
about sefen o'clock, they went up
to his room, and, finding that the key
was In the lock on the inside, broke
the door in. Dr. Dixon, who lives in
the house, was called, but found that
'.he man had been dead for some hours.
The body was taken to Moffatt's undertaking
parlors and Coroner Cotton
Is making an investigation. Mrs. Russ
was notified of the death of her husband
by the police, and tho delegates
of the federation took charge of the
Niagara Gazette - 11/11/1909
The body of Earl E. Russ, who was
asphyxiated In a Toronto. Out., board
ing house on Monday night, arrived
here this morning at 11:15 o'clock. Es-
corted by two delegates of the Ameri-
can Federation of Labor and three
members of the local Typographical
Union the body was taken to the fam-
illy home in No. 1150 Ontario avenue,
William Glockling, president of the
Canadian Labor Congress, came with
the body as the personal representa-
tive of the convention.
The funeral will be held on Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home.
The Reverend Albert S. Bacon, pastor
of the First Presbyterian Church, will
conduct the services. Burial will be in
Oakwood Cemetery. Mr. Russ was a
member of the Order of Owls, Camp
Lowry No. 45, W.O.W., the 42d Separ-
ate Company and of Local No. 7470 A.
F. and L. The employees of the Car-
ter-Crume Company and the members
of organizations with which the de-
ceased was connected with attend the