Notes |
- Niagara Gazette 5/9/1921
(Continued from Page One)
ty committees and for several years
was Democratic city chairman. It
is said that he served on every civic
board during he old federal form of
city government, except the board
of education, and. at different
times a membeor of the board of
fire commissioners, the board of police
commissioners and the board of
public works.
Mr. Stricker started In life as a
poor farmer's, boy, but by hard work,
indomitable courage and a natural
buslenss ability, he rose from small
beginnings to a position of power
and wealth to the community. He
was a staunch believer in the future
of Niagara. Falls, and he did much
for the city's development.
Helped Develop City.
When ground was broken for the
Niagara Falls Power company's
first tunnel Mr. Stricker first started
in the real, estate business In this
city, He built many houses, and
through his efforts many streets
were opened and various sections of
the city were develoyed as residence
districts. In those days he had little
except what he made from his ventures.
There financial
backing on which he could depend .for
support but was belief to the future
of the city and in its eventual rating
as the greatest power center to the
world was unshakable. This belief
carried him over many a rough road
to success.
Friends of Mr. Stricker say that
away from home he was one of the
city's strongest boosters and at home
he was one of the staunchest believers
in its possibilities.
The illness which caused his death
dates, It Is said, from the death of
his son, Robert. :Hls health broke
following the tragedy that. resulted
In his son's death, and he is said
hever to have recovered from the
shock. ; The best of medical aid
failed to save his life.
Funeral Wednesday.
In early manhood Mr. Strieker
married Miss Anna Sheehan. a sister
of the late Martin Sheeban, city assessor
She survives him. He
leaves also two daughters, Josephine
Strie\cker of New York, a magazine
writer who for several years was
private secretary to the late Theodore
Roosevelt, and who held that
position at the time of his death,
and Mrs. Alphonse D Allen, and a
son. Martin, of this city. Besides
his wife and children. Mr. Stricker
Is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Caroline
Esslie and Mrs. J. H. Ellenbaum,
both of this city, and a brother.
George, of Buffalo.
The funeral will be held on Wednesday
morning at 8:00 o'clock at
the home and at 9 o'clock in the
Church of the Sacred Heart in South
avenue, Mr. Stricker having become
a convert to the Catholic faith a
short time before his death.
Niagara Gazette - 1/7/1922
A court battle looms today over
the big estate left by John C
Stricker, wealthy Falls realty dealer
and businessman, who died last summer.
Two alleged wills figure in the
case, a fact which developed when
the proving of the last will, executed
by Mr. Stricker while abed in a New
York hospital on April 14. 1921,
shortly before his death, was begun
before Judge-Surrogate Hickey at
Lockport,. this morning by Clarence
L. Runals, attorney for the execut
rix . Miss Josephine Stricker, of N ew
York City, daughter of the decedent.
Gittins Testifies
Preliminary to entering objections
to the latter new will, Michael J. Noonan,
attorney for Mr. Stricker ' s widow,
their son, Martin E., and their
daughter , Mrs. Louise A. Allen, sub
jected to a searching cross-examina-
tion former Representative Robert
H. Gittins one of the t h r e e witnesses
to the will now under fire.
Mr. :Gltlins first described the signing
of the will by Mr. Stricker under
questioning on direct examination.
He named the o t h e r two witnesses
to the will as Albert F. Hel-
lert , sales manager of the N i a g a ra
Sales company, of which Mr G i t t i ns
is president and Dr Joseph C. Roper,
a physician at the hospital where Mr.
Stricker executed the document;
Estate is Big
Sitting in thoe surrogate's courtroom
during the proceeding were
Mrs. Stricker, the son, Martrn, and
t h e daughter, Mrs. Allen,; Nothing
was brought out as to the extent, of
Mr. Stricker's estate but it is believ-
. (Continued on page 16)