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- Saint Marys Daily Press - 8/13/1962
Mrs. Frances Buchheit Kronen-
wetter,, 79, of 486 Chestnut street,
seriously ill the past two weeks,
died Saturday shortly before noon
at the local hospital and will be
buried from Queen of the World
Church tomorrow morning at 9:00
o'clock with burial to folow in St.
Mary's Cemetery.
Friends will be received at the
John J. Lynch Jr. Funeral Home
untill 4:00 o'clock this afternoon
and from 7:00 to 9:00 tonight.
Mrs. Kronenwetter was born in
St.. Marys October 24, 1882 dau-
ghter of the late John and Frances
Buchheit, wa educated i t.
Mary's parochial schools and spent
her entire lifetime here
Frank J. Kronenwetter to whom
she ws married in 1903, passed
away in 1924.
She is survived by two daugh-
ters, Ethel, Mrs. Howard Proyne,
Boston, Mass., who had been here
with her mother for some little
time Dolores, Mrs. Vincent
Marshall, St. .Marys, and the fol-
lowng sons:
John, Robert and Lemar, St.
Marys, LeRoy, York, Pa. Other
survivors incude 13 grandchild-
ren, 19 great-grandhildren and
three sisters; Sally, Mrs. Benja-
min Hoffman; Miss Emma Buch-
heit, St.. Marys; Elizabeth, Mrs.
Henery Lorenze, Warren.
She was preceded in death by
two sons,, Vincent and Jerome,
the latter dying unexpectedly in
York, Feb. 23,, 1959.