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- Hancock NY Herald - 12/15/1960
Mrs. Martha Buddenhagen, 72,
succumbed at 6:15 a. m Wednes-
day, December 14, I960, at Read
Memorial Hospital following a
heart attack whic she suffered
approximately an hour earlier at
the home of her daughter, Mrs
Irene DuMond, East Front Street,
where she resided. Mrs.. Buddenha-
gen was a life-time resident of the
Hancock area. She was a daughter
of the late Lemuel and Mry
(Brong) Mallery and was born on
February 24, 1888,, on the family
farm on the Winterdale Road,
Penna. Side where she had resid-
ed until approximately three years
ago when she came to Hancock to
reside with her daughter. She re-
ceived her education in the Little
Falls School which was loccated on
the Winterdale Road. In Hancock
on February 19, 1907, she was unni-
ted in marriage to Henry Budden-
hagen and they operated a dairy
farm until his last illness. He pre-
ceded her in death on October 8,
1957. Mrs. Buddenhagen was a
member of the Hancock Baptist
Church for many years. In addiiton
to her daughter she is survived by
three other daughters, Mrs. Rut
Graham, Troy; Mrs. Viola Camp-
bell, Yonkers,, and Mrs Ethel Pe-
terson, Schenectady; four sons,,
Walter, Lester and Wilson Budden-
hagen of Schenectady, and Henry
"Pete" Buddenhagen who resides
in the family homestead on the
Winterdale Road.. Other survivors
include 16 grandchildren, eight
great-grandchildren ad several
nieces, nephews and cousins. MRs
Buddenhagen's body was moved to
the Henderson Funeral Chapel
where friends may call until Satur-
day when services will be held at
2:00 p.m.,from the Hancock Bap-
tist Church. The pastor, the Rev..
Lloyd I.. Elliott, willbe the officiat-
ing chergyman. Temporary inter-
ment will be in the receiving vault
at Riverview Cemetery where buri-
al will take place at the conveni-
encce of the famiy. Bearers will be
six of Mrs. Buddenhagen's grand-
sons,, Tobin, Gary, Barry and Dav-
id Buddenhagen, Harry Peterson
and Harry DuMond.