Notes |
- Schenectady Gazette - 4/29/1940
The marriage of Miss Florence
Moss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ed-
ward J. Moss of Snowden avenue,
to Lester Buddenhagen of this city,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Budden-
hagen of Hancock, took place Sat-
urday noon In the Tabernacle Bap-
tist ,church. Rev. Stanley Jones
performed the ceremony. Miss Alta,
pike, organist, played, the wedding
The bride was given in marriage
by her father. Miss Blanche Moss
was her sister's maid of honor. The
bridesmaid was Miss Rita Vadakin.
Herbert Chamberlain of Hancock
was the best man. The ushers were
Arthur Slade and Quentln Hogan.
Following the ceremony, there
was a reception at the home of the
bride's parents. After a wedding
trip to New York, Mr. and Mrs.
Buddenhagen will reside at 133
Lafayette street.