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- Buffalo NY Courier - 1/9/1936
Funeral services for Theodore S.
Buerger, 73 years old retired head
of the wholesale hosiery and knit
goods company which bears his
name and the name of his son, Theo-
odore E. Buerger, will be held at 2
p. m tomorrow at his home, 155
Northampton Street, and a half
hour later at Emmaus Lutheran
Church. Mr. Buerger died Tuesday
at his home after a short illness.
Mr. Buerger was a former eastern
representative of the Milwaukee
Germania, a newspaper. He was
born in 1863 in Wolcottsville. After
his family moved to Buffalo, he at-
tended public schools here and later
was graduated from Bryant & Strat-
ton's Business College. After com-
pleting a business course, Mr. Buer-
ger obtained a post in a downtown
dry goods store. In later years, he
became a partner of John A. Kessel
and formed the Kessel & Buerger
Company, retail notions dealers. He
and his son organized their own
business in 1915 under the name it
bears today. Mr. Buerger retired five
year ago.
Long a member of the church in
which his funeral rite will be held
Mr.. Buerger, for twenty years, had
served as trustee and treasurer of
the congregation. Survivors are his
wife, Mrs. Frances Boettcher Buer-
ger; a daughter, Laura H. Buerger;
a son, Theodore E., three brothers,
Martin, Paul and Otto, and a sister,
Mrs. Constance Stoecker.