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- Buffalo NY Courier Express - 4/22/1955
BUHS-Ella Roth Buhs of 53 Hamilton
Dr.. Derby, N. Y.. April 21. 1955.
wife of the late John Buhs; mother
of Delburt E. Buhs. Mrs. Edward
Hojnacki. Donna M. and the late
Corliss Buhs; sister of Norman.
Elmer and Howard Roth. Funeral
from "Memorial Chapel" Loomls.
Offers & Loomis. 1830 Seneca St..
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. De-
ceased was a member of Eintracht
Rebekah Lodge No. 138. I.O.O.F., and
Priscilla Alden Council No. 59. D. of A.
Rebekah services Friday evening at
8 o'clock at 1820 Seneca St.