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- Niagara Gazette - 5/20/1948
APPLETON, May 20 - The mar-
riage of Miss Deidre Jean Russel,
daughter of Mr. ad Mrs. Charles
Russel. Hess road, and Mr. Levelle
S. Bullard. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Bullard. of Wrights' Corners.
was solemnized at St. Charles Bor-
romeo church, Olcott, Saturday
morning. The Rev. Lawrence Di-
Giovannl performed the ceremony.
•The Ave Maria." was sung by Mrs.
Leo J Russel. of Gasport.
The bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her father, wore a gown
of white taffeta faahloned with a
tight basque of brocaded taffeta and
butterfly bustle. The skirt extended
to a short train. Her bouquet was
white lilacs and gladioli.
Mary Lou Russel. sister of the
bride, maid of honor, wore white
embroidery organdy over yellow taf
feta. The bridesaids were Miss
Eleanor Rusel and Miss Marion
Bullard who each wore embroidered
organdy over green taffeeta. Charles
Russel, brother of the bride, was
the best mann and te ushers were
Robert Ladd, of Gasport, and Wil-
lia Bullard, of Wrights' Corners,
brother of the groom.
Following the ceremony a break-
fast was served at the Park hotel
Lockport, to the immediate families.
.A reception to over 200 guests was
held later at the bride's home. Mr.
and Mrs. Bullard left for an eastern
motor trip. They will make their
home on the Hess road, Appleton.