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- Lockport Union Sun and Journal - 8/2/1921
The bodies of two of Lockport's sol
dier dead arrived here this afternoon
from Hoboken. where they were landed
from France several days ago and were
taken in charge by local undertakers.
They are Privates Jacob Meyer, Jr.,
and George W. Wolter,
Private Meyer was a member of Co. M., 314th. Infantry. He died November 14. 1918 in a French hospital of lobar pneumonia. He Is survived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer, Sr„ of No. 67 Elmwood avenue, and two sisters. Mrs. H. O. Fiurch of No. 148 Erie street and Mrs. Claude H. Walton of No. 195 Lewis street Funeral services frill be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock st St. John's Church. Burial will be in St Patrick's cemetery.
Private Wolter was a member of Co. G.. 109th. Infantry, and was killed in action ln the Argonne forest October 17. 1918. Re leaves his father, August Wolter. of 78 Caledonia street, two brothers, William and Adolph and one sister, Mrs. James Downey. The body was taken to his sister's hone. No. 872 South street, and the funeral will be Lutheran Church. Wolcottsville. Burial will be in Wolcottsville Lutheran cemetery.