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- It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Carl John Schrott on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at the age of 72. Carl passed away peacefully at his home, under the compassionate care of Niagara Hospice.
Carl was born on July 17, 1952, in Buffalo, New York, the son of the late William Edward and Clara Martha (née Geier) Schrott, Sr. He was a proud graduate of Maryvale High School, class of 1970. Carl furthered his education at Canisius University, earning a bachelor's degree in Biology in 1974 and later, in 1994, a master's degree in Business.
On October 14, 1977, Carl married the love of his life, Barbara A. Falkiewicz, at Christ the King Church in Williamsville, NY. Their journey together took them across the United States, living in Michigan, Maryland, St. Louis, and eventually returning to New York. Carl had a passion for golf, often enjoying rounds at Hickory Sticks in Lewiston, NY. He was a dedicated sports fan, cheering for the St. Louis Cardinals and always rooting for the Buffalo Bills. A connoisseur of scotch and whiskey, Carl was also a science fiction enthusiast, with a particular love for Star Trek. He cherished dining out with his beloved Barbara and treasured every moment spent with his family.
Carl's warm heart, sense of humor, and love for his family will always be remembered. He leaves behind a legacy of love and countless cherished memories.
Carl is survived by his beloved wife Barbara; his loving daughters Erin M. Schrott and Stacey A. (Chris) Caryl; his cherished granddaughter, Cecilia; and his caring siblings, Nancy (Ken) Greulich, William (Carol) Schrott, Jr., and Carol (Michael) Gilgunn. He is also survived by nieces and a nephew.
Arrangements entrusted to HARDISON FUNERAL HOMES, INC. There will be no prior visitation. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at Youngstown Presbyterian Church, 100 Church Street, Youngstown, NY 14174, at 10 AM. Please assemble at the church.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Niagara Hospice, 4675 Sunset Drive, Lockport, New York 14094.
Please share your condolences at
To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Carl John Schrott, please visit our flower store.
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It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Carl John Schrott on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at the age of 72. Carl passed away peacefully at his home, under the compassionate care of Niagara Hospice.
Carl was born on July 17, 1952, in Buffalo, New York, the son of the late William Edward and Clara Martha (née Geier) Schrott, Sr. He was a proud graduate of Maryvale High School, class of 1970. Carl furthered his education at Canisius University, earning a bachelor's degree in Biology in 1974 and later, in 1994, a master's degree in Business.
On October 14, 1977, Carl married the love of his life, Barbara A. Falkiewicz, at Christ the King Church in Williamsville, NY. Their journey together took them across the United States, living in Michigan, Maryland, St. Louis, and eventually returning to New York. Carl had a passion for golf, often enjoying rounds at Hickory Sticks in Lewiston, NY. He was a dedicated sports fan, cheering for the St. Louis Cardinals and always rooting for the Buffalo Bills. A connoisseur of scotch and whiskey, Carl was also a science fiction enthusiast, with a particular love for Star Trek. He cherished dining out with his beloved Barbara and treasured every moment spent with his family.
Carl's warm heart, sense of humor, and love for his family will always be remembered. He leaves behind a legacy of love and countless cherished memories.
Carl is survived by his beloved wife Barbara; his loving daughters Erin M. Schrott and Stacey A. (Chris) Caryl; his cherished granddaughter, Cecilia; and his caring siblings, Nancy (Ken) Greulich, William (Carol) Schrott, Jr., and Carol (Michael) Gilgunn. He is also survived by nieces and a nephew.
Arrangements entrusted to HARDISON FUNERAL HOMES, INC. There will be no prior visitation. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at Youngstown Presbyterian Church, 100 Church Street, Youngstown, NY 14174, at 10 AM. Please assemble at the church.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Niagara Hospice, 4675 Sunset Drive, Lockport, New York 14094.