Family |
HANSON, Edith J d. 21 Aug 1984 |
Marriage |
23 May 1945 |
Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY |
Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 7/5/1945
The marriage of Miss Edith Jean
Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Gust Hanson, of Pierce avenue.
Private Pint Class James p. Weg-
ener, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Wegener, of Grove avenue, was re-
cently solemnized at the Zion Lu
theran church with the Rev. Ar-
thur H. Schmoyer, D.D. ofiiciating.
The bridegroom has recently re-
turned from. 31 months overseas in
the European theater of war and
In China.
The bride given in marriage by
her father, wore a street-length
frock. of .white embroidery with
white accessories. Her corsage was
of orchids.
Miss Gertrude Klinger was
maid Of honor and. only bridal at-
tendant. She wore a pale green
street-length dress with white ac-
cessories. Her corsage was of yellow
Mr. Claude Wegener was the best
At the home of the bride lovely
garden flowers Were used as deco-
rations for the small reception for
For traveling the bride wore a
tan wool suit with powder blue
topper and. white accessories.
After a trip to the central part
of the state the young couple left
for Atlantic City, where the bride-
groom .reported for reassignment.
Children |
| 1. WEGENER, James F, b. May 1947, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY d. 20 Feb 2024, Buffalo, Erie County, NY (Age 76 years) |
| 2. WEGENER, Carl Henry, b. 29 Jun 1948, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY d. 5 Apr 2023, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY (Age 74 years) |
| 3. WEGENER, Elaine I |
| 4. WEGENER, Erwin Sr |
Family ID |
F10703 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
14 Mar 2025 |