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- Utica NY Daily Press - 4/22/1972
ILION-The funeral for Miss
Karen Wohler. 19. of 51 W.
River St. will be at 1:30 Sunday
from the White - Hendrlx
funeral Home. Burial will be
in the Middleville Cemetery.
Miss Wohler. a 1971 graduate
of the Dion Central High School,
died early yesterday when she
was thrown from her car in the
Dion Gorge and then pinned
under the vehicle in Steele
Creek which flows through the
According to East Herkimer
State Police, the accident occurred
at 1 yesterday while Miss
Wohler was driving north on
Route 51 through the gorge. She
lost control on a curve and the
car struck a tree. Miss Wohler
was ejected at this point, troopers,
said. and landed in the
The car continued on into the
creek, pinning her underneath.
A coroner attributed death
due to drowning.
Thomas Jacquays, 25, of 340
Otsego St., a passenger, suf-
fered a possible broken left
wrist and said he would see his
own physician.
Miss Wohler was born in Ilion,
daughter of Gerald and Helen
Preston Wohler. She was a prac-
tical nursing student in the Her-
kimer County Board of Coopera-
tive Educational Services Pro-
She was a member of the
United Methodist Church and
was a past pressident of the
methodist Youth Fellowship.
Besides her mother she leaves
four sisters, Mrs. Robert (Mar-
gery) Murray of Ilion, Miss
Carol Wohler at home, Mrs.
Walter (Barbara) Maine of Ilion
and Miss Janice Wohler at
Calling hours will be from
2 to 4 and 7 to 9 today.