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- Niagara Gazette - 3/2/1929
Many Attend Last Rites for John M.
Sloush; Lod|je Brolhers rAre Bearers.
A large number of friends attended
tho funeral yesterday of John M.
Slough, 72 years old, resident of Niagara
Falls for more than 35 years, who
died suddenly Thursday after being
Stricken In "the street while on his way
to take a street car. Tho funeral,
which was held undar the auspices of
Niagara Falls Lodge. No. 01. I/O. O. F.,
was held at 2 o'clock from the home of
his Slsfcr. Mrs. Nellie V. Esslie, 615
Twenty-third street, the Rev. W. C.
Crofts ofilcir.ling.
While tlir scrvices were being held at
the home Hcnslcr Swayzo, of Fonthlll,
j Ont a nephew of the decexscd. sang
'Abide ttith Me." Follov.-lng tho serv-
[ Ices-at tiio grave. Interment was made
in the Odd Fellows' plot at Oakwood
The pallbearers, six members of Nia-
gara Falls Lodge No. 61, I.O.O.F.,
Edward Roth, Charles Ford, Charles
Rickert and Philip Markle.