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- Niagara Gazette - 4/15/1941
SANBORN.A lovely Easter Sun-
day wedding was solemnised at 4
p. m. Sunday when Miss Esther
Erelvn Ferehen. daughter of Mr.'
and Mr*. John F Ferchen. of the
Sy road Sanborn. 1ms united in
marriage to Walter Harry Thiem-
ecke. Ward road, R. 1. Niagara Falls,
son the Rev. and Mrs. J. Walter
Thlemeeke, of St. Johnsburg
The ceremony took plaee in the
home of the bride's parents and the
groom* father, Mr. Thiemecke of-
ficiated. The altar was banked with
lilies and daffodils. The grooms
mother sang -Because and Today
We at Thine Altar Stand.-
The. bride wore a dusty pink:
crepe dress with corsage of gar-,
denias and. lilies of the valley. Miss;
Gladys Ferchen, sister of the bride,
who acted as bridesmaid, was attired
in a navy blue crepe dress
trimmed with white and she wore
a corsage of pink roses, baby's breath
and synoglossum. Mrs. Ferchen, the
bride's mother, wore a white dot-
ted navy blue dress and a corsage
of sweetpeas, and Mrs. Thiemecke,
the groom's mother, wore a nacy
blue crepe dress with white trim-
ming and a corsage of yellow roses.
Robert Thiemecke, brother of the
groom, acted as best man.
A reception for 50 was held at
the home of the bride's parents at
8 p.m. For the wedding supper,
covers for 35 were laid at the
bride's table, which was decorated
with pink roses and sweetpeas and
centered with the bridal cake.
The groom's gift to the bride was
a pearl bracelet with a rhinestone
The couple will make their home
with the groom's parents at St.