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- Niagara Gazette - 12/1947
Wedding Is Held
APPLETON, Dec. 24.—The marriage
of Miss Doris Hazel Sears,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Sears,: and Mr. Arthur Seeloff, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Seeloff.
also of Appletoh. took place Saturday
afternoon a; 1 o'clock at the i
bride's home. Drake Settlement \
road, with the Rev. Everett Elliott,
pastor of the Hess road Wesleyan
Methodist church, officiating.
The bride wore a street-length
white wool dress and carried a colonial
bouquet of white roses and
orchids. The m&ld of.honor, Miss
Arlene Seeloff, sister of the groom,
wore a rose colored wool street
length gown and her bouquet was
yellow roses. Mr. George Sears,
brother, of the bride, was best man.
The bride's mother wore a black
crepe dress trimmed with sequins
and a corsage of pink roses, while
the groom's mother was gowned, in
black and corsage of pink roses.
Following the ceremony there was
a reception for the immediate families.
The bride's table was centered
with a tiered bride's cake and
lighted candles. After a short wedding
trip they will occupy rooms
with the bride's parents.
Prenuptial affairs included a variety
shower by Mrs. LaVerne Collins
and Mrs. Harold Lewis, at' the
home of the former in Middleport;
variety shower by Mrs. Homer Capen
and Mrs. Frank Jonas; kitchen
shower by Mrs. Fred Volschow and
variety showers by Mrs. Roger
Steen, Mrs. Merle Steen and Mrs.
William Seeloff.