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- Niagara Gazette - 10/7/1941
BERGHOLTZ - One of the loveli-
est of the season's weddings was
performed Sunday afternoon in St.
Peter's Lutheran church when Miss
Hilda e. Walck daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hugo A. Walck of the
Lockport road, became the bride of
Walter F. Jagow, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred W. Jagow. The Rev. Gra-
bau, pastor, performed the impres-
sive double ring service before an
altar banked with palms and bas-
kets of white and yellow pompoms.
The bride, who entered the church
on the arm of her father, was lovely
in a bridal white gown of brocaded
satin fashioned in a long full train.
She carried a bouquet of white glad-
ioli and pompoms, tied with white
lily-of-the-valley tulle.
Miss Mildred Hasely, maid of hon-
or, wore a frock of dusty rose taf-
feta, fashioned in a long waistline
and full skirt. Miss Norma Mielke,
bridesmaid, was gowned in twilight
blue taffeta. Joyce Ferchen, niece of
the bride, was flower girl, while Er-
win Jagow, brother of the groom,
was best man Ushers were Hugo C.
Walck, Harold Walck and Howard
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion was held at the home of the
bride. Upon their return from a
wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Jagow
will make their home on Niagara
road, this village. Prenuptial show-
ers were given by Miss Mildred
Hasely, Mrs. G. Roll, Mrs. Howard
Jagow, Mrs. Hugo Gade, Mrs. Mel-
vin Williams, Mrs. Arnold Stoeelting
and Mrs. Edwin Ferchen.