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- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 6/15/1934
NORTH RIDGE, June 15- Mrs.
Charles Seefeldt of the Million Dollar
highway and her mother, Mrs.
Fred Rohring of Dickersonville, entertained
at the home of Mrs. Seefeldt
on Saturday afternoon with a
variety shower In honor of Miss
Annabelle Zimmerman a bride-elect
of the month.
The afternoon was spent with
guessing games and stunts and
prizes were awarded to the bride
Mrs. John Demler, Mrs. Henry Don-
ner, St., Miss Marjorie Schultz and
Mrs. Henry Donner, Jr., all of which
were later presented to the guest of
The table decorations were in pink
and white and the supper was served
from one long prettily decorated
table and several smaller tables.
Miss Zimmerman will be married
on June 30 to Richard C. Beutel of
the Daniels road. The guest list included
the bride's mother, Mrs
Frank Zimmerman of the Randall
road; the groom's mother. Mrs. Gus-
tave Beutel; Mrs. Rudolph Crewe of
Model City, Mrs. Henry Donner,
Sr., Miss Minnie Schultz of North
Ridge, Mrs. Edward Schultz of Cam-
bria Center. Miss Emma Schultz of
Lockport, Mrs. Albert Schultz and
Mrs. Edwin Goodman of Dickerson-
ville, Mrs. John F. Schultz of Mar-
tinsville, Mrs. Herbert G. Schultz
and daughter Marjorie, Mrs. Elwood
Schultz and daughter Marlene and
Mrs. William Bushner of the Dan-
iels road, Mrs. Augusta Heilert of
Lockport, Mrs. Henry Donner, Jr.,
of Wilson, Miss Marion Schultz of
Cambria Center, Mrs. John Demler
and Mrs. Edward Witcop of Mar-
Miss Zimmerman received many
useful and beautiful gifts. She was
entertained at another shower on
Saturday evening by Miss Gertrude
Schraeder of the Randall road.
Niagara Gazette - 7//2/1934
WILSON, July 2.-St. Peter's
Lutheran church was the setting for
a colorful wedding Saturday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. Rev. John Barkow,
pastor, officiated. The bride was
Annabelle M. Zimmerman, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Zimmerman,
who was very lovely in a white satin
bridal dress with veil and bouquet ot
roses, sweet peas and gypsophela. The
groom was Richard C. Beutel, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Beutel.
The bride's attendants were: Matron
of honor, a sister, Mrs. Roy Terwllllger,
Niagara Falls, In pink net
over pink crepe and carried -pink roses
and gysophela; bridesmaid, a sister,
Florence Zimmerman in blue net over
blue crepe and carried .pink roses and
gypsophela; maid of honor, ft sister
Donna Zimmerman, in peach net
over peach crepe and carried talisman
roses and baby's breath; flower girl.
Lois Schaak, Buffalo, gowned in orchid
The bride was givenmarriage by
her father. The best man was Arthur
Bchm. The groom's other attendants
were Frank Carlton, Ray TerwllUger,
William Zimmerman and William
Beutel, the latter three acting
as ushers The bride's mother and
the groom's mother each wore attractive
gowns of figured crepe,
A reception and. dinner for 45 was
held at the bride's home on. the
Randal road Immediately after the
ceremony. Twelve were seated at the
bride's table. Mr. and Mrs. Beutel
are taking a wedding trip to Chicago.
They will reside at the Bowen apartments
In Lockport. The former Miss
Zimmerman was feted at many prenuptlal
affairs, one of the most elaborate
being held at the Park hotel in