Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 5/21/1967
76-year-old man, who may
have entered his flaming home
to save his pet dog, was burned
critically Saturday night in a
fire w h i c h caused extensive
damage to his home at 2754
Lockport Road here.
.The victim was pulled from
the house by two passers-by who
smothered the flames on his
Admitted to Mount St. Mary's
Hospital in poor condition was
Wilbur Wagner, who lived alone
in the house. He suffered third
degree burns.over the entire
extent of his body.
Andrew Hastee. 24,. of 1386
Judson Ave., Chula Vista,
Calif., and Fred Honadle, 66,
of 3710 McKoon Ave., were driving
by the house when they
noticed smoke and flames.
Mr.. Honadle told the Sunday
Gazette that he and his sonin-
law, Mr. Hastee, were going
to phone for help until they saw
a man in the rear yard heading
for the house.