Family |
WITTKOPP, Raymond Philipp Johannes, b. 10 Sep 1911, Town of Wheatfield, Niagara County, NY d. 10 Jun 2007, Lockport, Niagara County, NY (Age 95 years) |
Marriage |
8 Jun 1935 |
North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY |
Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 6/15/1935
A pretty wedding was solemnized
Saturday, June 8 at 4 o'clock in
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran
Church on East Felton street when
Miss Geraldine Evelyn Tremble,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Schulz of 78 Allen street became
the bride of Ray Witkop of Niagara
Falls, the Rev. Rudolph Grabau,
The bride wore a gown of pink
mousseline de soie trimmed with
ruffles and tied with a large blue
sash in the back, and further
adorned with a pink ruffled cape.
She wore a large pink picture hat
lace mitts and white sandals. Her
bouquet was of white roses, sweet
peas and baby breath. Miss Ev-
elyn Burch, was maid of honor,
her gown being of powder blue
taffeta with a puffed sleeve jac-
ket. She wore a large blue hat
with lace mitts and white sandals.
She carried a bouquet of pink ros-
es, sweet peas and baby breath.
Wallace Proefrock acted a3 best
man. Mrs. August Eberbach played
the wedding march.
Mrs. Schulz, mother of the bjride
wore a pink crepe dress and a
corsage of roses and sweetpeas.
Mrs. Witkop, the groom's mother,
wore blue crepe and a corsage
of roses and sweet peas.
A wedding supper at the home
of the bride followed the ceremony.
Covers were laid for twenty-
five at the bride's table which
was centered with a large wedding
cako decorated with a miniature
bride and groom. The house was
decorated in pink and white and
cut flowers.
Mr. and Mrs. Witkop have returned
from a short wedding trip
and are at home in 78 Allen
Among the out of town guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Witkop
and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Witkop
of Niagara Falls.
Mrs. Harold Tremble of Felton
street entertained for the bride
at a variety shower and Mrs.
Florence Tremble of Stenzel street
at a bedroom shower.
Children |
| 1. WITTKOPP, Shari Ann, b. 25 Feb 1936, Degraff Memorial Hospital, North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY d. 26 Dec 2009, North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY (Age 73 years) |
| 2. WITTKOPP, Frances H, b. 18 Aug 1941, North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY d. 30 Jan 2006, North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY (Age 64 years) |
Family ID |
F7591 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
14 Mar 2025 |