Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/10/1923
The marriage of Miss Flora Belling
of 628 Niagara Falls boulevard to Har-
old J. Bracken of Schaghtichoke, N.
Y. was solemnized Saturday after-
noon at five o'clock at St. Martin's Lu-
theran church, Rev. Theo. Burner of-
ficiating. the double ring ceremony
was used. The bride wore a gown of
white satin canton crepe, trimmed
with pearls, crystal beads and Spanish
lace, and a veil arranged in coronet
fashion with orange blossoms. She
carried a shower bouquet of white
roses and baby breath. Mrs. Earl
Johnson, aunt of the bride, was ma-
tron of honor and wore her wedding
dress of white satin canton crepe trim-
med with pearls and crystal beads.
She wore a bandeau of silver petals
and carried pink roses. Miss Irma
Belling, sister of the bride, acted as
maid of honor, wearing white crepe de
chine ith rosettes of pink and blue
and carrying pink roses. Earl John-
son attended the groom. Floyd John-
son of Clinton, Mass., acted as grooms-
man. Ushers were the Misses Ger-
trude Belling and Erna Albrecht. mrs.
Louis Belling, mother of the bride
wore blue satin canton trimmed with
beads and a corsage of pink snapdra-
gons. Mrs. Thomas Bracken, mother
of the groom, also wore blue canton
crepe and corsage of pink snapdra-
gons. The church was decorated at-
tractively with ferns and asters. Miss
Alvina Rader sang "Come, Jesus Re-
deemer," during the ceremony. The
Lohengrin Wedding march was used
as an entry march and the Mendels-
sohn as an exit, played by Mrsd. Walter
Following the ceremony a reception
was held at the home of the bride for
eighty-five guests. Covers were laid
for twenty at the bride's table, placed
under a marquee erected on the lawn.
House decorations were of pink and
white. Mrs. William Schmidt and the
Misses Freda and Norma Wambgansi
entertained the guests with piano, vio-
lin and cello selections.
Out of town guests included Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Bracken of Schaghticoke,
Mr. and Mrs. A. McClure and daught-
er, Vivian of Glen Falls, N.Y., Mr.
P. J. Sanford, Mrs. H. Pohl and Floyd
Johnson of Clinton, Mass., and Miss
Elsie Grabau, Mrs. Mary Grabau and
son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Kunz of Buffalo.
After touring the eastern part of
New York state and Massachusetts
Mr. and Mrs. Bracken will be at home
in 682 Niagara Falls boulevard.
Children |
| 1. BRACKEN, Phyllis M, b. 13 Oct 1924, New York d. 25 Aug 2007, North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY (Age 82 years) |
| 2. BRACKEN, Richard Thomas, b. Abt 1927, New York d. 4 Jul 1974, Hallandale, Broward County, FL (Age 47 years) |