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- Auburn NY Citizen Advertiser - 11/17/1942
Albert H. Lange, retired employe
of the Fleishman Yeast
Company, now part of General
Foods, and a well known Auburnian,
died last night at his home,
57 Clark Street. He had been in
poor health for the past few
months, but had been able to be
out greeting friends during the
past week.
For more than 30 years he had
charge of the Fleishman yeast
agency In Auburn and vicinity. He
was a well known figure in those
days as he drove his fine horse
drawn rig about Auburn and to
towns in this vicinity. In the
toughest of winter weather he
made his rounds to towns around
Auburn, and drove about the city,
rarely missing his route in the
worst of winter snows and drifts.
He retired from active business
about 15 years ago. He was a
member of the Fraternal Order
of Eagles.
Mr. Lange is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Cora Lange; Mrs. Mollis
Zimmldorf of Tonawanda, Mrs.
Agnes Dendt of Lock port, Mrs.
Minnie Arnholt of Buffalo, Mrs.
Mamie Spangendorf of Buffalo,
Mrs. Anna Anderson of Buffalo,
Mrs.. Elsie Camann of Niagara
Falls, sisters; nine nephews and
ten nieces.
Funeral services will be held
at the Mullen funeral parlors. 56
Clark Street, at a time to be announced.