Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 2/12/1929
A very pretty wedding was solemnized
in the Saint Pauls Evangelical
Lutheran church Saturday,
Feb. 9th at 4 o'clock when Misa
Edna A. Peter, niece of .Mr. and
Mrs. John T. Kopp was married
to Stanley F. Wurl, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Wurl, the Rev.
F. A. Hinners performing the cer-
emony. The interior of the
church was artistically decorated
with palms and baskets of carnations.
Mrs. A. Jaenecke sang two
selections, "Oh! Promise Me."
and "At Dawning. I Love You."
accompanied by Mr. A. Nuoffer,
The lovely young bride who entered
the church with her uncle
wore an exquisite gown of white
satin, with an uneven hemline
with flowers of silk colonial lace,
and a long waisted bodice made
perfectly plain. A suspect of lace
was a cap effect with clusters of
orange blossoms on each side,
from which extended a long tulle
veil. She carried a bridal bouquet
of roses and lillies of the
valley. Miss Violet Peter, sister
of the bride, was maid of honor,
and wore a stunning gown of
orchid georgette, fashioned with
a long waist-line and caught with
maline, from the waist to arrange
the skirt. Her slippers were of
orchid satin and she carried an
arm bouquet of pale pink roses,
tied with maline, corresponding
with her gown.
Miss Helen Wilke, cousin of
the bride, was bridesmaid and
wore a gown of yellow satin,
with an uneven hemline, short
bodice and arranged with yellow
maline to form a full effective
skirt. Her slipers were of yellow
satin and she carried an arm
bouquet of pale pink roses, tied
with ywllow maline, to match her
dress. Miss Alice Peter, cousin
of the bride, was bridesmaid, and
wearing a gown of coral geor-
gette, which was pleated and
made with an overlace skirt. her
slippers were of coral satin and
she carried an arm bouquet of
pale pink roses tied with coral
maline to match her dress.
The flower girls were little
Ruth Peter and little Freda Musi-
ler. They wore dresses of white
silk crepe de chine and carried
baskets of roses, carnations, and
sweet peas.
Aubrey Kapp, cousin of the
bride was best man, while Theo-
dore Richert and Franklin Stol-
zenburg acted as groomsmen. The
ushers were Henry Radloff and
Elmer Wurl, cousins of the
Mrs. John Kopp, aunt of the
bride wore a stunning gown of
black georgette and a corsage of
sweet peas and narcissus.
Mrs. Charles Wurl, mother of
the groom wore a smart gown of
royal blue georgette. She also
wore a corsage of sweet peas,
and narcissus. Following the
ceremony a reception was held
at the home of the bride's aunt
on the Niagara Falls Boulevard.
Covers were laid for twenty at the
brides table, centered with a
large wedding cake, and a bou-
quet of carnations on either end
of the table.
The out of town guests were
from Fort Wayne, Ind., Pennsyl-
vania, Niagara Falls, Lockport
and Protection, N.Y.
Children |
| 1. WURL, Douglas Charles, b. 3 Nov 1929, North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY d. 30 Sep 2002, North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY (Age 72 years) |
| 2. WURL, Delores Mae, b. Abt 1932 d. 17 Sep 2021, North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY (Age 89 years) |
| 3. WURL, Donald George, b. Aug 1938 d. 7 Jun 2017, North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY (Age 78 years) |