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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 11/11/1960
A former Town of Wheatfield
resident, William Ziehm, 68, died
Saturday in Detroit, Mich., after
a long illness.
Member of his family have re-
turned after attending funeral
services Tuesday.
Mr. Ziehm was the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Ziehm
of Errick Rd., Town of Wheat-
field. He is survived by his
widow, Norma; a daughter, Mrs.
Lee Walck of Detroit, and a son,
Raymond, of Colorado.
Also, surviving are four broth-
ers and two sisters: Charles
Ziehm of Detroit: Herman and
Edward Ziehm of North: Tonawan
da: Walter Ziehm, Town of Wheatfield,
and Mrs. Louise Klein and
Mrs. Arthur Shamrock of North
Burial was in Covenant Luther-
an Cemetery, Detroit