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- Niagara Falls Gazette
Son Follows His Mother in Death
Double Gombert Funeral to Be Held Tomorrow
An 82-year-old mother and her 48-year-old son, both members of an old and widely known Niagara county family, will be buried side by side in Memorial Park cemetery following funeral services tomorrow afternoon. The mother's funeral, originally set for this afternoon, was postponed last night following her son's death in Memorial hospital.
The mother is Mrs. Augusta Gombert, widow of Ludwig Gombert, who died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Ziemendorf, 1110 Ninety-first street, following a week's illness. Her son, Philip Gombert, also of 1110 Ninety-first street, was taken to Memorial hospital last Friday and died there last night. He had been in poor health for about a year.
The double funeral will be held from the Ziemendorf home at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, with services at the Zion Lutheran church, Cayuga drive, at 2:30 o'clock. The Rev. George H. Hoyer, pastor of the church, will officiate.
Mrs. Gormert (sic) was a widely known resident of the old village of LaSalle. Her son was a native and lifelong resident of the LaSalle area. He worked as a farmer all his life. His survivors. besides Mrs. Ziemendorf, include another sister, Miss Minnie Gombert; two brothers, William and John H. Gombert., and an aunt, Mrs. Fred Kuhlman.