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- Niagara Gazette - 1/24/1930
Frank Weingartner. 67 years old. died;
yesterday at his home. 55 Linwood ave-
nue. Born In Willlamsville, he had
lived In North Tonawanda for 38 years.
He was a member of Niagara River.
Lodge, I. O. O. F.
Surviving are a wife, Fredericka: a
son, John W. Weingartner; three grand-
children, North Tonawanda: brothers.
Nicholas and Willam Welngartner, and
a sister. Miss Mary Welngartner, Wil-liamsville. The funeral will be held
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Tho Odd Fellows will be in charge.
Burial will be at Elmlawn, the Rev. H.
A. Depfer of the Third Presbyterian
church officiating.