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- Niagara Gazette - 9/11/1953
A former resident. Miss Janet E.
MacVittie, was wed to Mr. Edward
Joseph Mondor Jr., lust Saturday
at the Gilman Avenue Meth-!
odist Church, Marietta, Ohio. j
The bride is the daughter of Mr.,
and Mis- Russell MacVittie. foj^'
merly of this city, and the bridegroom
isr-Lfefr^son of Mrs. E. J.;
Mondor Sr..' Pelham Manor, and'
The'late Mr. Mondor. !
While gladioli decorated th
altar when the Rev. Haul Angell
performed the double-ring cere-
mony in a candctighl s'ervicc.
ceding the rites, Miss Patricia Melchcr
played "Liebettnttim^ AVe I
Maria," "Wedding March front
Lohengrin," " Melody of Love,"
O. Promise Me, and "I Love
You Truly."
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a-ballcrina-Icngth i
gown* o f French lace with %of\\
ruffles of net inserted in the front
of the-bouffant skirt. The bodicewas
topped with a bolero lace,
jacket. Seed pearls edged her Juliet
cap and elbow-length veil of illusion.
She carried a prayer book <
topped with a white prchid.
A yellow ruffled gown trimmed
with satin was worn by the bride's
sister. Mrs. Gerald i". Rushton.
matron of honors who carried a
colonial bouquet of bronze roses.
Miss Nancy MacVittie, also a sister
of the bride ajuj_ who wore a
pale green ensemble, served as
bridesmaid. Her colonial bouquet
was-erfyellow roses.
\tr. William MacVittie. grandfather
ot the bride, seised as best
man. The ushering duties were
performed by Mr. Donald Rhodes
and Mr. Donald Rowley.
Mrs. MacVittie was attired in
an aqua suit with black accessories
and a corsage of yellow roses.
The mother of the bridegroom fav-
ored a pale blue dress with white
accessories and a corsage of white
\tr. William MacVittie. grandfather
ot the bride, seised as best
man. The ushering duties were
performed by Mr. Donald Rhodes
and Mr. Donald Rowley.